What is the parent forum and the Parent Council?
Parent forum is the collective name for every parent or carer at a school. The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 gives each school’s Parent Forum the right to set up a Parent Council.
The Parent Council is a group that is selected to work on behalf of all parents on educational matters that are of importance to all. They do not get involved in individual matters relating to pupils, families or school staff. It may be possible to draw a general issue for consideration by the Parent Council from a specific concern without making reference to the specific concern e.g. What is the school’s homework policy? What is the school’s Anti-Bullying Policy? All individual matters should be referred to the Headteacher.
Parent Councils were established under the Parental Involvement Act 2006 in recognition of the important role that parents can play, both in their own children’s learning, and in the wider life of a school.
What does the Parent Council do?
Under the 2006 legislation the role of the Parent Council is to:
-Support the school in its work with pupils
-Represent the views of all parents and carers
-Encourage links between the school, parents, carers, pupils and the wider community
Parent Councils are designed to be flexible and to ensure that they can effectively represent their own school community and interests.
Any enquiries for the parent council can be directed to contact@dunningparents.org.uk