Welcome to our school’s COST OF THE SCHOOL DAY webpage.
Costs should not be a barrier to anyone attending Dunning Primary School. There are a range of supports available to our school community, so please take any help needed.
Parents, staff and pupils helped make decisions about how we can keep the cost of the school day as reasonable as possible.
Included on this page are:
- details on how we as a school community have considered and created ways to ensure that any costs are minimal
- information on free school meals, uniform and trips
- links to benefits and welfare initiatives for parents and carers
At DPS we want to make sure that pupils don't miss out on any opportunities due to financial challenges. We have set up a Challenge Fund, where some of the funds raised from the Christmas Show and additional funds kindly donated by our Parent Council is held, in order to be able to offer support.
We take steps such as subsidising activities and trips and offering reduced rates for siblings.
In addition, confidential financial assistance may be available e.g. longer payment periods, part or full funding of trips, etc.
If you require direct support from school, for any financial school related challenges, please complete this form.
Only Mrs McPhee Head Teacher will be alerted and will consider how best to offer support.
Our uniform includes accessible colours available in supermarkets and online shops.
Logo branded items are OPTIONAL and can be ordered online
Please click on the link to take you Sprinterz. Sprinterz
Our parent group runs a successful pre-loved shop with uniform items at very low cost.
After consultation with parents, staff and pupils, we have taken the decision to focus on one School Fund activity each year (our Christmas Show) with funds raised benefitting pupils in the school and one main Charity Event (chosen by our Pupil Council) where donation is optional and discreetly collected on ParentPay.
With ParentPay’s online payment system, our school can discretely collect for ALL types of payments online, including:
•school meals
and much more.
Thanks to the flexible, parent-friendly payment options, the school can accept cashless payments, by card, bank transfer, and PayPoint.
We are able to set up payment plans for more costly things like residential trips to help spread out payments over a longer timeframe.
Trips and our extracurricular clubs Clubs are shared on ParentPay. Permissions are built-in, totally removing the danger of paperwork being lost.
Remember to set up ParentPay alerts!
How to set alerts – Parent Support (parentpaygroup.com)
Currently, all P1-5 pupils are entitled to free school meals. Pupils receiving Free School Meals are not identified in any way.
All pupils make their choices on the class smartboard each morning and are given a coloured rubber wrist band to communicate their choice to the kitchen staff.
We provide a variety of lunch time and after school clubs for all our learners across all stages – FREE to take part in.
Sign up is on ParentPay, so remember to check your account regularly (or set up alerts).
We hold an annual book swap on World Book Day. Pupils bring in unwanted books and everyone has an opportunity to choose a book to take home.
We have a selection of outerwear, clothing and footwear pupils for outdoor learning and for any emergencies.
At our school we offer FREE period products for our pupils.
For Parents and carers
Free period products are available for adults by using this app:
HomeMyPeriod(myperiodlive.azurewebsites.net) to check where your nearest providers of free products are.
Alternatively use the PKC Council map to search.
Map of free sanitary products - Perth & Kinross Council (pkc.gov.uk)
If your child is in P1 to P5:
Free School Meals are offered to ALL pupils in P1 - P5 without the need for parents/carers to submit an application form. However, an application form must be completed if you also require a school clothing grant for your child in P1-P5.
Don't forget to submit an application form for Free School Meals for your child when he/she moves into P6 as they will no longer be automatically entitled to Free School Meals.
If your child is P6 or above:
You can claim free school meals and a school clothing grant for your child(ren) if you are receiving:
·Income Support
·Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
·Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
·Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, with an income of less than £19,995 ·Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an income of up to £9,552
·Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
·Universal Credit with a monthly earned income of not more than £796
·If you are between 16 and 18 years old and receive any of these benefits in your own right, you can claim free school meals for yourself.
Parents/Carers in receipt of a qualifying benefit will receive an annual school clothing grant of £126 per child in primary school and £157.50 per child in secondary school. Please note assistance with school clothing/footwear is not awarded to nursery pupils. Children over 16 who are eligible to apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance will NOT be entitled to a clothing grant.
WELFARE & BENEFITS - Support and Advice
How to contact the Welfare Rights Team
•You can refer yourself (or someone else) to the Welfare Rights Team using our Online Form
•You can phone the Welfare Rights Advice Line on 01738 476900 (option 1).
•If it's just information you are after, you can also browse our Benefits and Advice webpages.
•If social media is more of your thing, then you can get regular updates online. Simply like our PKC Welfare Rights Team Facebook page.
Scottish Child Payment helps towards the costs of supporting your family. It’s a weekly payment of £26.70 that you can get for every child you look after who’s under 16 years of age. You’ll get the payment every 4 weeks if your application is successful.
You may be able to get Scottish Child Payment if all of the following apply:
•You live in Scotland
•You or your partner are getting certain benefits or payments
•You or your partner are the main person looking after a child who’s under 16 years old
You can apply whether you are in work or not, if you or your partner are getting one or more of the following benefits:
•Universal Credit
•Child tax Credit
•Working Tax Credit
•Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
•Pension Credit
•Income Support
•Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
For more information about the Scottish Child Payment and to apply, CLICK HERE.
•Child Disability Payment provides support for the extra costs that a disabled child might have.
•Child Disability Payment replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children and young people living in Scotland.
•You can apply for Child Disability Payment for a disabled child under 16. The disability can be mental or physical.
•You can also apply for Child Disability Payment if the disabled child does not have a diagnosis. In such cases, you can tell Social Security Scotland about:
-how they're affected
-any symptoms they may have
Social Security Scotland will pay Child Disability Payment until the child is 18. They can sometimes continue making payments after the child is 18.
Click here to apply online.